It has a broad range of biomes and life, adapting to each environment is key.
In Eo-III, each biome and area is unique, works differently and will require different ways of adapting to it to thrive. From hostile creatures, to environmental hazards and resource sparcity, you need to uncover blueprints and use the environment to your advantage to progress deeper.

Exploration is key. By exploring you uncover new areas, new fauna and flora, new resources and blueprints. This allows you to create better tools for surival, setup bases and progress in the story and your quest to go deeper.

Another ancient intelligent alien species appears to have created a node in the system, and remains of their technology are scattered throughout the world. Scanning and analysing such remains allows you to unlock new areas and get closer to finding the answers you seek.

Your mission
Your father, a world renowned xenobiologist, and his crew have been missing. Their last mission was to search for Eo-III, in search of the Triluxians. However, once you land on the planet, the signs of the crew are scarce and you need to uncover what happened.
The miracle of Eo-III
Eo-III is a mostly glaciar planet, however, various highly active geothermal hotspots on the planet allow life to thrive in those sectors. Some scientists suspect intelligent life might be at play at creating such a seemingly paradisiac world on an otherwise barren planet.
Explore the depths of Eo-III
Sunlight Zone
These are the shallow, early game biomes. Resources and food is often plentiful, and they are usually not very dangerous.
Twilight Zone
These are medium depth biomes. Here the light starts to dim slightly, giving the water a very dark blue color. Rarer resources can be found here, and fauna tends to be more aggressive. They can be explored with a small propulsor and upgraded equipment.
Midnight Zone
These are the first deep biomes. Here there is almost no light and the player will often need extra sources of light and submersibles to access them. They are often very dangerous but also possess highly valuable blueprints and rare resources.
Dark Depths Zone
Pitch black, these are extremely deep biomes, the player will need maximally upgraded equipment and submersibles to access them. They are lethal biomes that require a lot of preparation and precautions. They possess Triluxian Gates.